Michael Bloomberg:

How to Develop Green Initiatives that Resonate



www.iamecowarrior.com in partnership with youtube.com

Production: IAEW

Business magnate, politician and philanthropist Michael Bloomberg currently serves as the 108th Mayor of New York City. Bloomberg has made the environment a central theme of his tenure by instituting pioneering environmental programs like PlaNYC, a bold agenda to meet the challenges of a growing population, aging infrastructure, changing climate and evolving economy. He also serves as Chair of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, which works with participating cities to address climate risks...

Business magnate, politician and philanthropist Michael Bloomberg currently serves as the 108th Mayor of New York City. Bloomberg has made the environment a central theme of his tenure by instituting pioneering environmental programs like PlaNYC, a bold agenda to meet the challenges of a growing population, aging infrastructure, changing climate and evolving economy. He also serves as Chair of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, which works with participating cities to address climate risks and impacts both locally and globally. Transcript-- Michael Bloomberg, Mayor, New York City Well, I've always been interested in public health. I am guaranteeing myself a place in heaven with our anti-smoking campaign. I've always thought that prevention is a lot better than trying to figure out how to cure or deal with. It's more humane and it's certainly more economically viable. And the environment is part of public health. It's the air we breathe, it's the water we drink, it's the roads that allow or slowdown commerce. It's the future that I'm going to leave for my kids. C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group What C40 does is it makes it easy to share best practices; it gives some cover to those who are trying to effect change, saying, "Look, other cities are doing it, here are examples, and here are the results of what they've tried to do." And so as a convener, as a distributor of information, as a supporter, that's really what C40 does. We don't go in and tell any city what to do. We just tell cities what others have done and what the possibilities are and what the advantages and disadvantages are in doing anything like that. That's where people pay taxes, that's where people breathe the air, that's where people live and die and have aspirations for their children. And, in fact, you see the big push for environmental reform coming from cities and not from the state or federal governments where you would think it should come from, since these are national and international problems. What does IAMECO Warrior mean to you? What we're trying to do we should do, but you don't do environmental stuff to create green jobs. You do it because you want to clean up the air and stop the congestion on the streets and the water and all the things that society needs to undo or stop doing. Join the Movement If it doesn't make business sense nobody's going to do it. If you talk about saving the world 50 years from now, global warming and that sort of stuff, you know, the naysayers can't be refuted because you can't look forward 50 years to see . . . it was cold yesterday and somebody said, "Oh, see, no global warming. . . ." It was one day. But when you say, "Look, it's the air you breathe. Your kids are going to the hospital with asthma attacks, which can be life threatening. But if you bring it back to "my air," "my water," "my job," or "my kids," then it resonates, it rings. People say: "Oh, we better do something about this." If you say, "It's for 50 years saving the planet," it's just as important, maybe more so, but it's hard to rally the troops around that. Find your eco Solution www.iamecowarrior.com Directed by Roger Moenks