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Michael Bloomberg: My Sustainability Legacy

Michael Bloomberg:

My Sustainability Legacy


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Production: IAEW

In the waning days of Michael Bloomberg's third and final term as New York City's 108th mayor, everyone from the political pundits to the mayoral hopefuls to the voters to the man himself are weighing in on his legacy.[removed][removed] [removed] (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-4969114043860682", enable_page_level_ads: true }); [removed] When IAMECO interviewed Bloomberg in 2012 for Roger Moenks' I Am Eco Warrior book we asked the mayor to r...

In the waning days of Michael Bloomberg's third and final term as New York City's 108th mayor, everyone from the political pundits to the mayoral hopefuls to the voters to the man himself are weighing in on his legacy.[removed][removed] [removed] (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-4969114043860682", enable_page_level_ads: true }); [removed] When IAMECO interviewed Bloomberg in 2012 for Roger Moenks' I Am Eco Warrior book we asked the mayor to reflect on his track record to date in the area of sustainability. Never one to accept traditional definitions, he challenged the very notion of sustainability itself. Transcript -- Michael Bloomberg: Well, I'm not sure what sustainability means, it's one of those buzz phrases like green jobs we throw around. In some senses I'm never quite signed on to the word sustainable. It seems like it's a rather minimal aspiration to have. I think we should do even better. And the word, to me, just connotes—don't do anything worse. We want to do better, and I think we've done that in New York City. I can't speak for anyplace else. I don't think that New York is the be-all and end-all, I think we should be proud of what we've done, and we should recognize that we can do an awful lot more and hopefully when this administration leaves office, the next administration does an even better job. I've always tried to, in my company, hire people that are smarter than me. I've never understood why anybody is afraid to do that, quite the contrary. And I hope that the next administration takes what we've built and uses it to go to do things that we hadn't even thought about or didn't think were possible, didn't have the opportunity to do. The public is the one that really deserves the credit, not the administration, because they are the ones that pay the taxes, they are the ones that elect the officials, they are the ones that keep people in office, so they are the ones that—and they are the ones that benefit, as well—but I think that we can—we'll be able to look back and say, we did an awful lot, but really, what we will have done is given the tools to the next administration to go further, whether it is in cleaning up the environment, or improving our kids' schools or bringing down crime or creating economic opportunity. Find your eco Solution Directed by Roger Moenks