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The Solution for Urban Food Deserts

In the worst hit neighborhoods of North St. Louis City, 28% of families without a vehicle live over half a mile from a grocery store. With the majority of North St. Louis City lacking access to healthy foods, a fast approaching solution must be sought to feed these hungry populations. A St. Louis journalist, horticulturist, and chef discuss the idea of urban agriculture as the answer to revitalizing the North St. Louis City community beyond just nutrition....

In the worst hit neighborhoods of North St. Louis City, 28% of families without a vehicle live over half a mile from a grocery store. With the majority of North St. Louis City lacking access to healthy foods, a fast approaching solution must be sought to feed these hungry populations. A St. Louis journalist, horticulturist, and chef discuss the idea of urban agriculture as the answer to revitalizing the North St. Louis City community beyond just nutrition.