Training the Next Generation of Planeteers
0 in partnership with
Production: IAEW in partnership with Educator Laura Turner Seydel is an international environmental advocate and ecoLiving expert dedicated to creating a healthy and sustainable future for our children. She serves as the chairperson of the Captain Planet Foundation inspired by the TV show Captain Planet and the Planeteers, which was created by her father Ted Turner. CPF's global mission is to give the next generation of environmental stewards an acti... in partnership with Educator Laura Turner Seydel is an international environmental advocate and ecoLiving expert dedicated to creating a healthy and sustainable future for our children. She serves as the chairperson of the Captain Planet Foundation inspired by the TV show Captain Planet and the Planeteers, which was created by her father Ted Turner. CPF's global mission is to give the next generation of environmental stewards an active understanding and love for the natural world in which they live by supporting hands-on environmental projects that inspire and empower children to create environmental solutions in their homes, schools and communities. Transcript-- Laura Turner Seydel, Founder, Captain Planet Foundation You know, dad was very conservative. He grew up at the tail end of the Great Depression, a time when you didn't waste anything and you didn't borrow money or spend money that you didn't have. So he was very fiscally conservative. He led by example and he instilled a work ethic and a conservation ethic. If you've ever seen the cartoon Captain Planet, that's who we were living with. We've turned out to be pretty decent Planeteers. I don't know if we're as good as the ones in the cartoon. Captain Planet Foundation We get grant requests, really, really good grant requests from teachers that want to educate their students about various environmental issues, but in a hands-on way. A lot of these grant requests not only teach the children how to be good environmental stewards, but it's something that has a positive impact on the school or the community, so that the kids can understand how important it is that we consciously go about our business every day thinking about the natural systems that support all life, that whatever you do to the planet, ultimately, we are doing to ourselves. What does IAMECO Warrior mean to you? There's a Native American proverb that: "we don't inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." And so when you think about what sustainability means, it means not cutting, mining and drilling everything for profit to sustain us now. We have to think like the Native Americans did. How are our decisions and actions today going to influence the 7th Generation? And we haven't even thought about how we're impacting the current generation, the children that are here on the earth right now, much less their children or their grandchildren. Join the Movement The environmental movement has not been one to connect up with the masses. It hasn't been a movement that looks like America. For that to happen, we really need to work more together, create a movement that represents all Americans, the health community, the Civil Rights community and others, and I think we're getting there. You really have to start people off where they are, and if they can't protect their most precious resource, which is their children, how are they going to get to climate change, which is decades off? Find your eco Classroom Directed by Roger Moenks