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Blake Mycoskie: Why Eco-Friendly Clothing will Never Go Out of Style

Blake Mycoskie:

Why Eco-Friendly Clothing will Never Go Out of Style


0 in partnership with

Production: IAEW in partnership with While vacationing in Argentina in 2006, innovator Blake Mycoskie spent a day volunteering with a local non-profit organization delivering used shoes to children in the villages outside Buenos Aires. Mycoskie realized that he could sustainably fund a philanthropic movement through the creation of a unique One for One business model, which provides a new pair of TOMS shoes to a child in need for every pair purchased. In th... in partnership with While vacationing in Argentina in 2006, innovator Blake Mycoskie spent a day volunteering with a local non-profit organization delivering used shoes to children in the villages outside Buenos Aires. Mycoskie realized that he could sustainably fund a philanthropic movement through the creation of a unique One for One business model, which provides a new pair of TOMS shoes to a child in need for every pair purchased. In this clip, Blake addresses concerns that eco-friendly fashion is just a fad. Transcript -- Blake Mycoskie: I want to take the question "Is eco clothing a fad or is it something here to stay?" and I want to look at it as a larger perspective -- is environmental awareness a fad or is that something that's here to stay? I think that more and more there's conclusive proof that we have to make a change. As the critical moment gets closer and closer, people will be forced to make decisions knowing that there's a real repercussion in the not so distant future. So with clothing it's a very easy way to say "Hey, I'm in the group. I'm not contributing to the problem but I'm part of the solution." Because what you wear, they've always said, is a fashion statement. And when someone's wearing a pair of Tom's, they're saying, "I care about people." You know I could've bought Converse, I could've bought Vans, I could have bought any of these canvass shoes, but I chose to buy Tom's because I know someone is getting a pair as well. And I think it's the same for some of the eco clothing lines is people recognize, ok, you maybe paid a little bit more to get that organic cotton shirt, but, you're making a statement about what's important to you. And I don't think that has ever fallen out of fashion. Directed by Roger Moenks