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Richard Branson: Why the Green Economy will be the Next Industrial Revolution

Richard Branson:

Why the Green Economy will be the Next Industrial Revolution


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Production: IAEW in partnership with English business magnate, innovator and investor Sir Richard Branson is best known as the founder of the Virgin Group of more than 400 companies, including the airline Virgin Atlantic, a space tourism venture called Virgin Galactic, and the Virgin Green Fund, an investment vehicle that supports companies in the renewable energy and resource efficiency sectors in the U.S. and Europe. Branson also co-founded The ... in partnership with English business magnate, innovator and investor Sir Richard Branson is best known as the founder of the Virgin Group of more than 400 companies, including the airline Virgin Atlantic, a space tourism venture called Virgin Galactic, and the Virgin Green Fund, an investment vehicle that supports companies in the renewable energy and resource efficiency sectors in the U.S. and Europe. Branson also co-founded The Carbon War Room, an international non-governmental organization that harnesses the power of entrepreneurs to create market-driven solutions to climate change and to promote a post-carbon economy. Transcript -- Richard Branson: The green economy could easily be the next Industrial Revolution. I mean energy is . . . you know, we all need energy. We do an annual report which studies how much oil is left in the world and demand for oil. And with China, India, South America, Africa even, growing at the rate they're now growing, you know, we think that four or five years from now the demand for fuel will exceed supply. That could push prices, you know, through the roof. For that reason -- you know, forget global warming for one minute -- just for that reason alone, we should be hurrying up, you know, saving on energy and creating alternative sources of energy. And I think those people who invest in this sector, hopefully, you know, will get their thanks, and get the right; get their just returns. Find your eco Solution Directed by Roger Moenks